Dear everyone,

I am Momo, a little brave Maltese. I am delighted to have been honored with the title of "Waterford Nose of Tralee."

However, as you read this, I have already crossed the rainbow bridge and been reunited with my other doggie brothers in heaven in 2023. Saying goodbye was never easy, especially after receiving so much love from my family for over 16 years. Although I couldn't walk straight, Mom used to carry me around the neighborhood and explore the beauty of Ireland together. 

I know Mom did her best to help me with my heart disease, dementia, and arthritis. She prepared different supplements to make me feel better. Every day, she woke up at 6 am to give me my heart medication and stayed awake during my restless nights due to dementia. We experienced countless dark nights and early dawns together. Sometimes, I think she cared for me even more than herself. It was during this time that my mom came up with the idea for a social enterprise called "Senior Paws" to support owners of ageing dogs.

 Last Summer, Social Enterprise Ireland accepted the project as an official participant of The Ideas Academy. 

Each day with my family was unique. I remember watching "The Never Ending Story" with Mom, Dad, and my grandmother, who flew all the way from Taiwan to see me. That's precisely what I want to tell my family: even though I'm no longer with them physically, my spirit will always be with them forever. I hope my story touches your heart. 

With love and gratitude,
